I’ll talk about my post, “What is Love?” Hope you’ll join in today at 2 EDT or track down the podcast. As always, feedback is welcomed!
Are You Being Angry or In a Rage?
Chuck Lorre produced a TV show called Dharma and Greg. I video taped (remember VCR’s?) the first episode. At the end of the show, I saw a blip on the screen and wondered what kind of subliminal message was just
The Danger of Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is supposed to be a romantic holiday. Quite often, it’s the day couples break up. A large percentage of break-ups happen on holidays, birthdays, any number of special days for a couple. Here’s why I think that happens.
This from the Huffington Post and my comments. Prenuptial Agreements Are on the Rise, And More Women Are Requesting Them http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/22/prenups-_n_4145551.html?utm_hp_ref=divorce&ir=Divorce As a couples counselor, the issue of pre-nuptial agreements is common. The discussion is usually about whether or not
Quoteable Eddie
I love quotes. I hope I’ll be remembered for one of the following. (as best as I can tell, I made these up) Nothing is more profound than realizing the obvious. The better you get, the harder it is
What Is Love?
Today’s word is love. A lot of conflicts happen because people have different definitions to this simple word. Most of the time, I think those definitions are wrong. So what is love? After all the poetry, music, books and movies
I’m a blogger!
I’m very excited about starting a blog. I have a lot to say, though right now, I can’t think of much. Such is my struggle with writing. I have countless moments while talking or thinking about something and realize it’d