Falling in lust is easy. It's automatic requiring no skills. Loving is entirely different requiring great skills. https://t.co/umRnq2Ca0C — Eddie Reece, MS, LPC (@EddieReeceLPC) May 13, 2015 If all I did was correct people when they talk or write about
Why Behavior Change is Tricky
Perfect explanation of why changing ingrained habits are tricky. Better golf swings and better lives take practice! https://t.co/vhFwHRV2F2 — Eddie Reece, MS, LPC (@EddieReeceLPC) May 13, 2015 Thanks to Brandel Chamblee of the Golf Channel for bringing this video to
I’ll talk about my post, “What is Love?”
I’ll talk about my post, “What is Love?” Hope you’ll join in today at 2 EDT or track down the podcast. As always, feedback is welcomed!
Are You Being Angry or In a Rage?
Chuck Lorre produced a TV show called Dharma and Greg. I video taped (remember VCR’s?) the first episode. At the end of the show, I saw a blip on the screen and wondered what kind of subliminal message was just
The Danger of Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is supposed to be a romantic holiday. Quite often, it’s the day couples break up. A large percentage of break-ups happen on holidays, birthdays, any number of special days for a couple. Here’s why I think that happens.
This from the Huffington Post and my comments. Prenuptial Agreements Are on the Rise, And More Women Are Requesting Them http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/22/prenups-_n_4145551.html?utm_hp_ref=divorce&ir=Divorce As a couples counselor, the issue of pre-nuptial agreements is common. The discussion is usually about whether or not
Quoteable Eddie
I love quotes. I hope I’ll be remembered for one of the following. (as best as I can tell, I made these up) Nothing is more profound than realizing the obvious. The better you get, the harder it is
What Is Love?
Today’s word is love. A lot of conflicts happen because people have different definitions to this simple word. Most of the time, I think those definitions are wrong. So what is love? After all the poetry, music, books and movies
I’m a blogger!
I’m very excited about starting a blog. I have a lot to say, though right now, I can’t think of much. Such is my struggle with writing. I have countless moments while talking or thinking about something and realize it’d